
  • Typsetting in DND Books

    Killing some time in the library earlier by looking through random books in the bottom floor and found this old career guide. What struck me was how odd it would be to live in an era before the internet was everywhere and you had to find out what jobs you...

  • Workshop on Symbolic Computing for Knight Hacks

    I gave a workshop on symbolic computing for Knight Hacks, UCF’s programming club. There some mildly organized code and workshop notes on GitHub. Because this was an introduction for an audience which didn’t have all that much programming experience or computing background I decided to cover the basics. what makes...

  • Do We Live in a d20 Simulation?

    I’ve always thought its interesting to consider what it would be like to live in a world govered by the types of game logic which we accept as standard fare in many video games. As a kid growing up I always loved Flatland by Abbott and wondered how I could...