
  • Hanzo in PUBG

    How well would Hanzo from Overwatch fare in PlayerUnknown’s Battleground? I’ve always wondered how radically different assumptions about game balance would interact. Particularly, would Hanzo be really good, or potentially very bad, if thrown in to a PUBG game? For this comparison I’m going to assume that damage numbers are...

  • Inktober Dungeons

    Starting to learn sketching so decided to turn a few of my practice sketches for Inktober in to Dungeons and Dragons content. The Isle of Skelos Covert art for a module I’m writing The Madman’s Cistern The Time Spooder Not sure what it is, but wanted something vaguely in the...

  • Nonlocal Games

    I’ve been thinking for a while about nonlocal games and how to explain them, as most of the examples are a bit esoteric (like the Magic Square game). I wonder if there’s a better way to emphasize the game aspect in addition to the nonlocal one. CSHS Game In each...