
Hanzo in PUBG

How well would Hanzo from Overwatch fare in PlayerUnknown’s Battleground?

I’ve always wondered how radically different assumptions about game balance would interact. Particularly, would Hanzo be really good, or potentially very bad, if thrown in to a PUBG game? For this comparison I’m going to assume that damage numbers are normalized such that 200 Overwatch HP (his HP) is the same as an unarmored player in PUBG. In essence this would mean that one headshot arrow would kill anyone without a level 3 helmet, and that in general two fully charged body shots would take down most players.


  • damaged is normalized so Hanzo has the same HP as an unarmored player
  • Hanzo is unable to pick up any equipment, starting the game with access to all of his abilities from Overwatch
    • because of this he isn’t able to carry bandages, but instead will treat any health items on the ground as appropriately sized health packs which are applied immediately
  • Hanzo is still able to operate vehicles and has access to the island map


  • Hanzo has infinite ammo, meaning spam could be very effective
  • Large potential for one shot kills with the arrows
  • Huge informational advantage with sonic arrows on cooldown
  • Can climb walls and dodge to come from very unexpected angles
  • Ultimate ability would be devastating for anyone in a small building, and potentially hard to dodge even from afar
  • Starts with full equipment so could get easy kills early on


  • Unable to pick up armor, and very vulnerable to players with lower time-to-kill weapons in unexpected matchups
  • Can’t carry extra health packs or consumables, meaning he has almost no sustain
  • No laying prone means you’re always very exposed
  • Very limited range compared to even average PUBG weapons, and no scopes
  • No hitscan weapons, and arrows are very easy to see where they are coming from